Shockwave Therapy

What is Shockwave Therapy?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) or Shockwave therapy as it is more commonly known, is a modality used by physiotherapists to manage pain and help promote recovery in patients suffering from musculoskeletal soft-tissue injuries. Prescribed predominantly to those who have not responded to first-line physiotherapy, Shockwave is gaining a growing base of empirical support for it's use in transforming how non-surgical treatment is used in the practice of physiotherapy. The  National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recently published guidelines which recommend Shockwave as an effective course of treatment for a number of chronic musculoskeletal conditions, when integrated within a comprehensive rehabilitation plan.

Shockwave works by subjecting targeted areas of abnormal or damaged tissue to impulses of energy. A natural inflammation response is then provoked by radial waves which spread inside the tissue. This increases blood flow to the area. The subsequent improved circulation speeds up local metabolism which stimulates cell regeneration and decreases oxidative stress. The shockwaves are also effective for pain-relief since they decrease nerve-sensitivity in the affected area. The outcome is reduced recovery time from injury and short-term pain relief for a number of chronic conditions.

Who would benefit from Shockwave therapy?

Shockwave is recommended for those whose chronic conditions have not resolved after following a significant period of physiotherapy using other more conservative methods. Evidence supports the use of ESWT for a variety of conditions including the ones below and there is also a growing amount of literature suggesting that showckwave may also be effective for promoting bone healing such as injury to the metatarsals.

What conditions is Shockwave used for?

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