Client Information

Important Information – Please Read 


Access. Please be aware that the treatment room is on the first floor of the building but there is a lift available to use. We also have a fully accessible toilet.


Cancellation Policy.  Clients who book at Compete Physio are required to give 48 hours advanced notice of their inability to attend or change their appointment. Last minute cancellations will be charged in full, no exceptions.  This is to ensure access to appointments for those who need it and to avoid a loss of revenue for the clinic. 


Why physiotherapy?  The purpose of the services we provide is to examine, evaluate and establish an adequate intervention plan and prognosis in the treatment of your presenting problem. In the process of treatment we will use a variety of treatment and rehabilitation techniques to aim to reduce length of functional restriction and maximise potential recovery.


Preparing for your appointment.  On your first visit, a detailed case history including a full medical history and physical examination will be taken. Each session will last from 45-60 minutes, depending on your symptoms and stage of recovery. The therapist may ask you to remove items of clothing, therefore, please wear something that you will feel comfortable in. If you would like some privacy while you change, please ask the therapist. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you into the treatment room if it makes you feel more comfortable. 

Legal Requirements.  During the assessment and during further sessions your therapist will need to fill out paperwork to comply with the requirements of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists / Health Care Professions Council and to act as a record of the treatment and decision making. 


Treatment Planning.  At the end of the first consultation/examination, a detailed explanation of the clinical impression and proposed treatment will be given to you. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions about anything you may not understand.


Treatment results.  Compete Physio does not guarantee that the treatment provided will help to resolve the condition you are seeking treatment for but will use best evidence and clinical judgement in the application of your treatment.


Communication.  It is your right to discuss the potential risks and benefits involved in your treatment and decline any part of your treatment at any time before or during treatment, should you feel any discomfort or pain or have other unresolved concerns.  Please do not hesitate to speak with your treating therapist or call if you have any questions or concerns. 


Data protection.  All the information collected in the course of your assessment and treatment at Compete Physio will remain strictly confidential under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, (GDPR).

Privacy Policy Effective from 19th September 2022

This Privacy Notice sets out how Compete Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Ltd collects, processes and stores any personal information you share with us.

For the purpose of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Compete Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Ltd is the data controller and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Information we collect

We may collect the following information:

  • Demographic data such as name, address, date of birth, telephone numbers, email address, GP details, Consultant details and work/hobbies/sport 

  • Medical history, medications, current medical concerns

  • Policy numbers and authorisation codes related to Private Medical Insurance companies

  • Dates and times of physiotherapy appointments

  • Physiotherapy assessment and treatment clinical notes

  • Referral letters to/from other medical practitioners or Allied Health Professionals

  • Credit card receipts and records of invoices and payments

  •  Testimonial or reviews that you choose to leave on social media or other websites

Why we need this information

  • To provide a legal record of any treatment/advice we provide and meet standards of record keeping set by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

  • To book/amend appointments and send out confirmation and reminder emails or texts

  •  To aid diagnosis and help inform treatment plans

  •  To identify if there are any risks or contraindications to treatments

  •  To communicate with or refer on to other medical or health practitioners who are involved in your care regarding progress or further investigations

  • To meet our contractual commitments to Private Medical Insurance companies with regards to billing/update/discharge reports

  • To be able to resolve any complaints/queries regarding treatment or payment

  • To be able to participate in audits in order to improve standards of care 


We are committed to ensuring that your information is held securely, both electronically and in paper format. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard your data. We are legally required to keep your data for a minimum of 8 years, or up to the age of 26 years for children as stated by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Testimonials or reviews will be available to view online for an indefinite period of time.

Disclosure of data

Compete Physiotherapy and Rehabiliation Ltd will not share your data with any third parties without your consent. Contractual commitments may require us to send update/discharge reports and invoices to Private Medical Insurance companies. This may include using online portals, secure emailing or scanning documents. Referrals to GP’s, Consultants or other health/medical practitioners may be completed by post, email or online.

Access to your data

Should you wish to gain a copy of the information we hold you can request this by contacting Melinda Gilhen-Baker on or writing to Compete Physio, Unit 1, Bridge Mill, Cowan Bridge, Carnforth, LA6 2HS. You will receive this information within 1 month of the request.

Your rights

  • To be able to rectify any errors in the data we hold. Please let us know if any of the information we have is incorrect 

  • To request for the personal data we hold to be erased. However, this may not always be possible if it falls within the time period of our legal obligation to retain the clinical notes 

  • To be able to change your permission/preferences of who we share your data with at any time. Please contact us at such a request 

  • To raise a concern regarding how we use your data, please contact us at or in writing to Compete Physio, Unit 1, Bridge Mill, Cowan Bridge, Carnforth, LA6 2HS. If you are unhappy with our response, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or visit


This Privacy Notice will be reviewed annually to reflect any changes to our services