Our Services

Our professionally trained and experienced team can provide you with a variety of treatments to suit your particular injury or recurring issue.  These range from long-term rehabilitation programmes resulting from workplace, sporting and everyday injuries. With our particular sporting background, we can also offer other specialist services alongside our treatment and once you have fully recovered to help you remain injury free.

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Here are the services we can provide:


During your initial assessment, a full history of your injury will be taken, a physical assessment will take place and a treatment plan devised. When possible, a diagnosis will be given.

Time: 45 min / Price: £59


During follow up appointments, we will administer the treatment plan decided upon on your initial assessment, updating if necessary according to your process.

Time: 45 min / Price: £59


Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to restore the flow of energy.This will help in promoting balance and harmony within the body.

Time: 45 min / Price: £65


A modality used by health care professionals to manage pain and help promote recovery in patients suffering from musculoskeletal injuries.

Time: 45 min / Price: £99


We can provide fast access to pain relieving injections without the need for a GP referral. Hyaluronic acid is naturally occurring in your joints and is injected to help increase movement and reduce pain when osteoarthritis is present. We also offer corticosteroid injections for inflammation and pain relief.

(Price does not include appointment time)

Hyaluronic Acid injection: £200

Corticosteroid injection: £125


Using industry leading pressure measurement technology for clinical gait and movement analysis, our qualified physiotherapists can provide in depth biomechanical assessments which can identify a wide range of issues. If needed, we can also provide customised 3D printed orthotics.

Foot Scan Assessment - Time: 45 mins/ Price: £69

Custom Orthotics: Price: £299 plus fitting

Book your next session today!